Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why Dragon Beans?

Welcome to my blog! I have several places where I've posted tips on cooking, gardening, quilting, cleaning..and I decided to try and compile them into one eclectic blog. I do have a blog specifically related to quilting arts, which I was deeply into for many years. I still am, just don't have as much time to devote to that right now. And I have a blog devoted to being a Beachbody Coach. This blog is for everything else but specifically reviews, tips, recipes and fun.

So why Dragon Beans? It comes from a bean I've grown in my garden, Dragon's Tongue Beans, but we've shortened it to Dragon Beans. I was out in my garden picking the beans and thinking about this blog idea..of compiling all the random posts I've created in various forums all over web-land and I was trying to think of a title and Dragon Beans kept coming to my mind. So that little mystery is over. You can now take your Sunday afternoon nap in peace!


By the way...Dragon's Tongue Beans are worth growing. They cook up tender even if you forget and let them get more mature. And it's hard to describe, but they almost taste buttery. They are also an heirloom variety and more importantly have a  neat name, 2 features that always lure me into trying it in my garden.

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